Removable Dentures

Dental ProsthesesDental Prostheses

These are prostheses that can be removed and cleaned by the patient and placed in the mouth. They are usually used when many teeth or all teeth are missing. Normally, you should wait a few weeks after a tooth extraction. Thus, bone and gingival healing is provided in the area where the prosthesis will be made. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to fill the cavity immediately after tooth extraction. Such prostheses are temporary and should be replaced within 6 months. Prostheses can wear and break over time. This can damage the jaw bone. For the first 1 months in mobile prostheses, it is the acclimatization period in terms of chewing and performing speech functions. Any discrepancies (strokes) that the prosthesis may create should be eliminated by the controls to be performed.


How do removable dentures attach to the tooth?

The attachment of the prosthesis to the tooth is provided by hooks called crochets. Today, however, more aesthetic solutions are provided by using precision connections or atelescopic crowns.


What material are removable prostheses made of?

Removable prostheses are made of special plastics and combination of metals or only special plastics depending on the case. The teeth used in removable dentures are generally selected from plastic teeth. Porcelain teeth are not recommended because they transmit weights and forces inappropriately to soft tissues.


How to maintain removable prosthesis?

Removable dentures should be removed and brushed after each meal. It should be cleaned once a day with special cleaning agents. When not in use by keeping your prosthesis in clean water, you can prevent water loss and deterioration.


Fixed Prosthesis

Dental Prosthesesfixed dentures

Bridges are fixed artificial teeth. They cannot be removed by the patient. Bridges can only be built if a few teeth are missing and there are healthy natural teeth to support artificial teeth on both sides of the cavity.


What are bridges made for?

Loss of a tooth can damage your health in many ways. The teeth in front and behind the lost tooth bend into this gap. The opposite tooth also extends into the gravity cavity. Because the teeth tend to come into contact. As a result of these elongation and bending, the alignment of the teeth and their contact with each other is disrupted. This increases food residue and bacteria plaque accumulation between teeth. These areas are difficult to clean and therefore increase the risk of dental caries and gum disease. All these problems can be prevented by replacing the lost tooth.


What are the materials used in fixed dentures?

Metal ceramics, full ceramics or zirconium materials are used in crowns or bridges. Which material to use is selected according to the case and aesthetic expectation.