It is a science that deals with children’s teeth. Keeping your child’s baby teeth healthy will ensure that your permanent teeth are healthy.
When should children first meet the dentist?
After the teeth have emerged, the child should gain the habit of brushing the teeth, and the dentist should be checked. It is very important to meet the first dentist without the complaint of pain. It is the first step to go for life-free checks.
Why is it important to treat baby teeth?
At the age of 6-7, the first molar teeth follow the milk teeth. Süt dişlerinin, özellikle 2. süt azı dişinin erken çekilmesi halinde, 6 yaşında çıkmakta olan daimi büyükazı dişleri ön taraftaki boşluğa doğru gelir ve yaklaşık 11-12 yaşlarında gelecek olan küçükazı dişlerinin yerlerini kapatabilir. Bu durumda ya küçükazı dişleri, ya da ağıza en son süren köpek dişleri gömülü kalabilir.
What kind of dental treatment is given to children?
From the appearance of the first milk teeth of our child, the habit of dental care should be settled, and various preservatives should be applied to prevent the decay of the baby teeth. Despite preventive treatments and brushing, decayed milk teeth should be filled with special fillings and these teeth should be expected to fall out in the natural process. The negative effects of caries on the primary teeth, permanent tooth germ from the bottom, the general health of the child, growth and development should not be forgotten and treatment should be made.